+ What happens if organisations within a
group operate differently?
This isn’t a problem.
Using AiDA Plus the workflow can be configured and may be different for all organisations
within a group.
+ What will AiDA do for my organisation?
AiDA builds a complete register of adapted properties giving organisations the potential to work in conjunction with neighbouring Associations and Councils to show available adapted properties. It allows organisations to manage the full life cycle of their adaptations from request through to installation. Automated and ad-hoc mailings keep tenants informed and demonstrates excellent customer service. Colour coding and performance monitoring makes it easy to quickly highlight delays in the adaptations process and the use of parameterised reports and the report builder tool simplify
the extraction of KPI’s. Documents produced in AiDA are held in organised folders and additional documents such as pictures can be added, all of which are then easily viewed by all users. Other benefits include financial monitoring and budgeting.
+ Can we load our installed adaptations and backlog of outstanding requests for adaptations?
So long as you can supply us with an electronic copy of the installed adaptations this is not a problem. If no electronic file is available, there is a function within AiDA which allows you to add installed adaptations to a property manually. Data loading is part of the system installation and in our initial meeting we will supply you with the required data loaders.
Can it interface with existing Housing Systems?
We keep your property details up to date by reading in a file generated from your Housing System. All we need from you is a property file. In our initial meeting we will supply you with the required file layout. Currently AIDA interfaces Property information with IBS, Orchard, Northgate and Civica. There are also options within AiDA that allow updates to Orchard’s UDC’s and IBS Severe Diary entries.
+ What are the system requirements?
AiDA is a Windows application which uses a SQL Server database. It can be deployed in a variety of ways including directly onto PC’s or via Citrix. ‘Clickonce’ technology is used to push out all software updates to all clients. Please contact us for more details.
+ Can we use our existing network logins?
AiDA can be configured to authenticate users against an Active Directory, enabling users to log in with their network username and password. Alternatively, usernames and passwords can be held in the database (with passwords safely encrypted).
+ What if we want to manage other organisations adaptations?
This isn’t a problem.
AiDA Plus enables an organisation to manage multiple Departments. Each Department will have its own list of Properties and may be configured to run differently.
+ How often is the system updated and how will we receive updates?
AiDA is still a fairly new product. As new clients come on board we want all of our existing customers to benefit from any enhancements or changes. We currently update as necessary but envisage introducing a quarterly update in the future. We are happy to perform all our updates remotely or provide your IT section with the necessary files and instructions to do your own updates.
+ Are we limited to a number of users?
No. The licence fee relates to the number of properties not the number of users.
+ What reporting options are there?
There a number of reporting options available with AIDA. Parameterised reports exist for performance monitoring and a query builder allows users to build their own bespoke reports. All reports can be exported into Excel and AIDA data can be made available for use with Business Objects and Crystal reports.
+ How long will the software take to implement?
Once you decide to purchase AiDA, we will ask you for your Property file (taken from your Housing System), list of installed adaptations and any outstanding requests for adaptations. We will then load these files, which usually take 2-3 days, but can vary depending on the quality of your data. Finally, we allow one day installing the software and database and another to train your users.